The team at Mountain View Veterinary Hospital works with injured pets to help restore pain-free mobility through individualized exercise programs developed to meet specific needs.
Our team helps your pet perform exercises with specific equipment such as balance boards, FitBone, Bosu Ball, and cavalettis to focus on balance, strengthening, flexibility, stretching, posture, and coordination.
Passive Range of Motion (PROM) and stretching activities help promote and maintain muscle, tendon, and ligament flexibility.
Therapeutic exercises improve the movement of synovial fluid, reducing enzymes that break down cartilage, thus promoting healthier joints in cats and dogs.
We use a variety of therapeutic exercises at Mountain View Veterinary Hospital to reintroduce healthy movement including treadmills, balance boards, physioball exercises, circling, cavalettis, surface variation, changing incline/hills, and stair climbing.
Our vets will work with your pets to increase their mobility and reduce the pain associated with inflamed joints and degeneration.
Mountain View Veterinary Hospital is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Vancouver companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.